Oregano Essential Oil
(Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum)
Oregano essential oil is rich in carvacrol and thymol which gives it strong antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial properties. Like all essential oils it must be very well diluted before either internal or external use, otherwise it might cause problems. For long term use it is advisable that after two weeks of use we take a one week break.
For internal use one drop of essential oil diluted in one tea spoon of olive oil once a day can help us combat the flu and relieve us of the sniffles and sore throat. Externally if we mix it with base oil (20 drops per 100ml) we can use it for fungal infections and psoriasis.
We can also use it to purify the atmosphere of the room when we are sleeping by putting a few drops on a piece of cotton or a bowl of water and place it next to the bed while we are sleeping. This can help people with respiratory problems, asthma or bronchitis. This is especially effective for children.
It should be avoided by pregnant women and those with iron deficiency.